Feburary 2024 Meeting Notes

February2024 Meeting Notes

 February 26, 2024

DATE: Monday, February 26, 2024 TIME: 7 pm

PLACE: Meeting took place at the Colonial House in Freedom President Tom Hockers called the meeting to order a 7:00 pm

Secretary’s Report has been posted on our website: www. frrc.us . Rob Thomson asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report. If so, please raise your hand or e-mail Secretary Rob Thomson at RobThomson99@gmail.com

Motion to accept made by Jack E. The motion was seconded. No objections were made and the motion passed.

-Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report and talked of the club switching banks. Please see Marty for specific details on numbers. Motion to accept made by Jack Effertz. The motion was seconded. No objections were made and the motion passed.


-Audit Committee review.

Larry Mcaurther; reviewed the books and what the committee suggested to the officers.

-Tom Hockers brought up the 2024 WIR contract.

Discussed the changes

Went over what the club covers

The officers will use the discussion when they meet with Dan and Ginger.


-Employee meeting will be before the April monthly meeting

– everyone needs to attend to fill out new information for our new bank

-Mike Anthony brought up that with the new rules the FRRC should put in rules that all competitors on the ½ mile must have a head and neck restraints and the ¼ mile competitors it is highly suggested.

-Jack Effertz brought up the qualifying number issue from last year, Marty said that the issue has been addressed.

-Ed Howard brought up the idea of incase of an accident to wait for the safety crew to say you can drive back to the pits instead of just leaving on your own and oiling down the track. This is costly and adds clean-up time to the night.


-Mike Anthony wrote out the appeal process. This will make it clear to the Board of Directors and club members of what is needed to appeal a ruling.

-Talk of possibly changing out a member of the Board of directors.

Tom said he would call that member to see if they still want to be on the BOD.

  • Larry Raygo made a motion to end the meeting and it was second by many in the room and the meeting ended/

** Next meeting is March 25th Colonial House in Freedom at 7pm