February 2023 Meeting Notes

DATE:       Monday, February 27, 2023                         TIME:  7 pm

PLACE:  Meeting took place at the Colonial House in Freedom

President Tom Hockers called the meeting to order a 7:04 pm

Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. frrc.us. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at cbsracingclintman@gmail.com

Motion to accept made by Ed Howard. The motion was seconded. No objections were made and the motion passed.

Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report. Please see Marty for specific details on numbers. Motion to accept made by Jack Effertz .  The motion was seconded. No objections were made and the motion passed.


  • Additional Write In Nominations taken for the Vice President position: On the ballets we have Ed Howard; Rob Thomson and Mitch Heimlich accepting their nominations. No declared write in candidates.
  • Each candidate stood up and gave a short speech. Ed Howard, Rob Thomson and Mitch Heimlich.
  • Voting takes place for the VP for the term of tonight (2/27/23 through the fall of 2024)
  • 2023 BOD announced. Basically the same as last year except Mitch Opsahl replacing Rob Thomson for 4 cylinders.
  • Order of Events: This will be discussed at the March meeting after the 4 officers  are able to discuss it
  • Accepting memberships again tonight.


  • Containers: railings and steps updates: Mitch Heimlich has some prices on railings and steps. Tom asked if Mitch and Dave could take the lead on the project. Mitch suggested we could powder coat it. Tom mentioned it could get costly, but this is an investment for MANY years to come. We could post banners on them for advertising dollars. Danny would also like to be involved in any banners that are posted at the track. Costs will be split between W.I.R. and FRRC. With stairs in the middle of the two containers. If anyone has more information or wants to get involved on this project please reach out directly to Dvae Valentyne or Mitch Heimlich.
  • Nightly sponsor updates: Current open nights: Sara Gee Gilbert mentioned that we have June 1st and August 3rd still open. The first two nights are also available and we could potentially do a discounted pricing for those nights. Please see Sara directly. Her information is on the Facebook Fox River Racing Club page


  •  Question was asked: How will we police the spotter stand? FRRC will police this as each car will only have 1 spotter up there.
  • Mitch Heimlich mentioned that race winners need to remember to thank the sponsor for the night. A good cue might be for the person interviewing the winner to have a sign or give a reminder to the winners. Loran usually has a sticker on his shirt, which helps a lot
  • Jeff Treml had question about having to go to the rep. The rep. will have an alternate in case he is one of the drivers involved in the incident.
  • Rob Thomson asked about if the Audit Committee has met or not. Larry MacArthur is going to join. Larry mentioned he will get in touch with Jodi and will have a report for next month.
  • Ed Howard had the most votes and is the new VP as of tonight. Final votes: Ed Howard (29 votes); Rob Thomson (11 votes) Mitch Heimlich (7 votes)
  • Hank Calmes asked if we could use more discretion on making so many rule changes each year. Larry MacArthur said the only changes should be safety related.
  • Question about fire extinguishers in the cars: we still need to hear back from our insurance company.
  • ●      Marty Nussbaum mentioned if you have a direct deposit form on file, we should not need a new banking information, unless your banking changed…BUT you will still need to fill out the driver information at the bottom, so we know you are competing this year and in what division.

Motion made to adjourn by Larry MacArthur. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

President Tom Hockers adjourned the meeting at 7:41 pm           

Next meeting will be Monday,   March 27th at Colonial House.