February 2021

Bottom of Form

DATE:       Monday, February 22, 2021                               TIME:  7 pm

PLACE:  Zoom meeting only

Secretary Clint Smith called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm 

Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked it there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. frrc.us. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at cbsracingclintman@gmail.com

Motion to accept made by Rob Thomson. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with zoom votes.

Marty Nussbaum provided a brief Treasurer’s financial report.  Motion to accept made by              

Scott Vanden Heuvel. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with zoom votes


  • Nightly Sponsor update. Clint read over the update from the Officer’s meeting from Rob. Lots of moving parts, but encouraging so far.
  • Weekly scoring system updates (MyRacePass) Still need drivers to claim their profiles: Divisions Reps, please assist with this.
    • Registration and driver profiles
    • FRRCPointsPay@Gmail.com
  • 2021 W.I.R. Contract update; Marty read off a brief update. Kurt confirmed we will be signing the contract and giving it to Dan this week.
  • BOD nominations: Business rep. Mike Anthony; nominated and accepted. Former officer Dave V. nominated and accepted. nominations closed. Motion to accept the nominated board members. 15 aye votes 0 nay votes.  Additional correction that Ed Howard was also previously nominated and accepted the nomination. Voting will take place at the next FRRC meeting in March, 201 and include all 3 names.
  • Employment Applications: still looking for subs


  • Updates/Ideas from RPM: Kurt talked about things shared—covid was a large topic of conversation. We were blessed that we were able to even have a season. This year looks positive for 2021 with a lot of people getting vaccines. Lawyers updates that were present at RPM were no covid lawsuits in the U.S. from this past season, which is encouraging. Bo Duke was present and pitched some ideas. Speedsport TV talked a bit about video clips and various ways to get the young kids involved. Streaming the races idea came up. FRRC is not considering this for 2021, but something to consider for the future if we would be able to set up some pay per view.   
  • Kurt brought up the officers were wondering if the FRRC would be interested in hosting the Kalamazoo Safety Crew to do presentations. Getting out of race cars while flipped over, etc. Asked for feedback…somewhere in the ballpark of $1700…We could also invite other tracks to join us. We wanted to do it last year, but covid prevented it from happening.
  • We continue to hope to resume meeting IN PERSON as soon as it is feasible. It is a great idea for Jack to be able to host a gathering at the Effertz race shop.


  • Justin E. wanted to bring up the idea of jumping the re.start. If during a restart feels a driver jumps the re.start…the driver would be docked the number of spots he jumped during the next restart. The issue is driver in the back might not have enough time to relay that the driver is waving others past. Ask drivers to make it clear that they want to have other go past them. Topic was discussed thoroughly and as of right now, it will be addressed at the driver’s meeting.
  • Memberships: continue to print them off the website and send them in to Marty.
  • Justin E. plans to reach out to all the division reps again for feedback.    

Motion made to adjourn by Dylan Wenzel . The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Kurt Schweitzer Adjourned the meeting at: 7:47pm            

Next Meeting is on Monday, March 22, 2021 at 7pm and will likely be done via Zoom. If there is an IN PERSON Location it will be posted on the website and Facebook app.