October 2021 Meeting Minutes & Election Results
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DATE: Monday, October 25, 2021 TIME: 7 pm
PLACE: Meeting took place at Colonial House in Freedom.
President Kurt Schweitzer called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
A moment of silence /prayer for Jerry J. Schneider and Teddy Bear Ulman, Dave Satorius, Brandon Reichenberger, Larry Bladlow, Dave Valentyne Nick and Ashley Boldt and Matt Whittman for the power to get through the struggles they are currently facing
Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked it there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. frrc.us. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at cbsracingclintman@gmail.com
Motion to accept made by Ed Howard. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes.
Marty Nussbaum provided a brief Treasurer’s financial report. Motion to accept made by
Dave Valentyne. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes
- Additional Nominations for President and Secretary; thus far we have
President—Nominated and Accepted Nominations: Michelle Kemkes, Larry MacArthur, Randy Boegh and Rob Vandermoss
Also nominated, but declined: Jerry Schneider and Ed Howard
Additional Write In Nominations:
(These votes DO NOT COUNT unless the candidate is present and accepts the Write In nomination PRIOR TO VOTING.)
Secretary—Nominated and Accepted nomination —-Clint Smith
Justin Smith-has declined his nomination and would like to spend the next 2 years shadowing the next elected Secretary.
Additional Write In Nominations:
(These votes DO NOT COUNT unless the candidate is present and accepts the Write In nomination PRIOR TO VOTING)
All accepted candidates gave a short speech as to why they feel you should vote for them for their respective nominated position.
- Divisions should already have had preliminary discussions about their suggested 2022 rule updates. The 2022 elected officers will review these PROPOSED rule changes prior to presenting them to the club body in the November meeting for further discussion. After that meeting, the rules will be voted on and finalized at the January 2022 meeting.
- Other suggestions for generalized rules and procedure changes can be brought up for further discussion, but nothing will be decided until the new officers are elected. But, we are collecting topics at this time.
- TOPIC ONE: Article 4: target to achieve 16 cars—should be a topic point in the off season Larry Raygo proposed a change…Kurt mentioned this would be a topic for the future. Larry wants it gone. Tabled…
- Still some trophies left over: Gavin Klein; Kaden Volovsek; Russ Lorbecki, Bobby Kendell; Nick Ostberg
- Pit Parking: Mike Anthony will be taking this over; please see him with your stall assignments for next year. Farmer came up and stated some more items regarding parking. Looking to add an additional lane to prevent bottleneck and working with the county to increase safety.
- Kurt mentioned he would like to see us increase driver payout. He suggested possibly an increase to $15 top gate/ Back gate is very cheap and could increase higher than $20. Another option is the membership free increasing from $30….Tabled
- Kurt mentioned he would like the club to consider the leadership of the club to match the skillsets for the positions and/or restructuring or hiring and administrative assistant to help. (licensed accountant, etc.) Does the club intend to stay running like a club or want to run more like a business. Tabled
Randy (Bing Bong)-2
We will take nominations starting tonight for VP, now that Rob will take over as President and end the meeting.
Nominations for VP:
Trevor Howard nominated Ed Howard; Seconded (accepted)
Bing Bong nominated Jim Duchow; seconded (Bob Duchow said he would accept the nomination)
Ethan Beattie nominated: Evan Beattie ; Seconded (was unsure, but later accepted)
Mitchell Opsahl nominated Rob Thomson ; Seconded (accepted)
Michelle Kemkes was nominated; Seconded (was unsure, later accepted)
Jerry Schneider (Stockbrdige E,) has also expressed interest in running for VP
Larry Macarthur was nominated , bur declined the nomination.
Motion made to adjourn by Kurt Schweitzer . The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
New President Rob Vandermoss Adjourned the meeting at:8:07 pm
Next meeting will be the 4th Monday in November—November 29nd 2021 at Colonial House.