September Membership Meeting Sept 28th 7 PM
The next FRRC Meeting is scheduled for Monday, 9.28 2020 at 7pm. It is scheduled to take place in the W.I.R. Dick Trickle Pavilion with all the big garage doors open. Additionally, we will be attempting to do this through the zoom app. simultaneously for those of you who would prefer to not meet in that type of semi-outside environment or feel it is too cold to do so. We will be taking nominations for VP and Treasurer again at this meeting and summarizing our season. We will announce details of an awards ceremony during that meeting. We will also announce our plans for locations and dates for the club meetings for the remainder of 2020 (October and November) The ultimate goal is to be able to return to the Colonial House at some point. We thank all the members, drivers, staff, pit crew members, friends and family, track owners and most of all the fans for helping us be successful in 2020 despite extreme conditions.
September Zoom information:
Topic: frrc general meeting
Time: 7 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 512 918 7157
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