September 2023 Meeting Notes

DATE:       Monday, September 25, 2023                                  TIME:  7 pm

PLACE:  Meeting took place at the Colonial House in Freedom

President Tom Hockers called the meeting to order a 7:03 pm

Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s Report has been posted on our website: www. . Clint Smith asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report. If so, please raise your hand or  e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at

Motion to accept made by Ethan Beattie. The motion was seconded. No objections were made and the motion passed.

Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report. Please see Marty for specific details on numbers. Balance will be given at NEXT months meeting, as we still have a lot of invoices and bills to be paid. Motion to accept made by Ethan Beattie. The motion was seconded. No objections were made and the motion passed.


  • A moment of silence for Cory Podolski.
  • Tom thanked everyone for a great season 
  • Banquet details- January 20th at Colonial House; Sponsors needed. Please see one of the officers or Sarah Gilbert after the meeting. Ed Howard has secured a DJ for the event.
  • Suggested purchases in FRRC equipment for 2024 and future seasons. We plan to buy the cam doctor which was approved over the winter. Ed Howard and Jason Shultz will discuss it and find the best one. Ethan Beattie suggested wireless scales for outer pits. We will look into this.
  • Brian Henry asked about the spotter’s stand. Dave V. said we did not have volunteers to get them set up in the spring. Brian Henry suggested a safety harness for the turn 3 spotter’s stand or something better.
  • Additional Nominations for President and Secretary; thus far we have

President—Nominated and Accepted Nominations:  Tom Hockers

Other nominations: Rob Thomson – Declined


Secretary—Nominated and Accepted nomination —-Rob Thomson

Other nominations:  Clint Smith-Declined


  • We will still accept write-in candidates at the October meeting, but right after reading off our previous meeting minutes at that meeting, we will be voting and electing our new officers.


  • Divisions should already be planning for 2024 rule updates.  The officers may want to provide input in the first meeting held by each division. QMLM had a meeting already. Super Stocks have a meeting scheduled for October 3rd. See Larry Raygo for more details
  • Any suggestions for the officers to discuss GENERAL non-divisional rules changes will be covered in the meetings after the general rules are decided on.
  • BOD divisional reps for 2024 will be voted on at the divisional rules meetings, which will be set up by the 2023 reps. The other BOD positions will be voted on at the November meeting, so they can start in January if someone steps down.
  • Length of 2024 Season: If 16 weeks (5/16/24—8/29/24)

                                                   If 15 weeks (5/23/24—8/29/24) 


  • Jack Effertz mentioned Mr.Brew’s Taphouse’s owner is interested in doing something at the track or with the FRRC.
  • Jack also mentioned that the turnout of the meeting was not very good, especially for an election meeting.
  • Tom mentioned the Red, White and Blue series is likely going to be done, due to lost sponsorship from W.I.R. We are considering doing a special event for the SLM’s, the LMs, S4 and possibly the Midwest Trucks as a replacement for the RWB series next year with a nightly sponsor for each event. These sponsored special nights would be the opposite nights of the QMLM nights.

Brandon Reichenberger suggested getting an answer from W.I.R. by next month and also volunteered to start the conversation with John Wood.

Brian Henry asked about W.I.R. pulling out of the RWB before the Blue Race when it was listed in the signed contract. The Officers plan to meet with W.I.R. to discuss this and also to inquire as to what their thoughts are for next year’s contract well in advance. Rob Thomson mentioned that FRRC has put a lot of man power over the years into track improvements. Tim Baumann suggested we ask what track improvements will be made before the 2024 season and/or W.I.R.s 5 year plan.

Brian Henry suggested we put some extra money throughout the field, not just 1st place, which is hard to do if the rent goes up. We have to get creative with ways to get more people in the gate.

  • Ethan Beattie asked about doing a ¼ mile only night for the TVR and Stan Night. Tom mentioned that he doesn’t feel we would get enough people/fans. Ethan still thinks we should consider it. Mike Meyerhofer said Slinger tried to do a SS and lower class night and there were hardly any cars. Tabled  

Motion made to adjourn by Dave Valentyne. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

President Tom Hockers adjourned the meeting at 8:08 pm           

Next meeting will be Monday, October 23rd at Colonial House at 7pm