November 2022 Meeting Minutes

DATE:       Monday, November 28, 2022                                   TIME:  7 pm

PLACE:  Meeting took place at the Colonial House in Freedom

Rob Vandermoss called the meeting to order a 7:01 pm

Rob addressed the club that he needs to resign from his President position, due to his current health condition. Tom Hockers will take over as the President as soon as he comes back from his vacation in Florida. The FRRC gave Rob a standing ovation for all the work he has done for the betterment of the FRRC over the years.

Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at

Motion to accept made by Andy Monday. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes.

Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report. Please see Marty for specific details on numbers. Motion to accept made by Lowell Bennett.  The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes


  • Divisional Rules updates for each division and announcing/determining who is the rep. for each division. Divisional reps with work with the VP to update the rules for 2023.

Super Stocks: Dave Meyerhofer read off the proposed changes (For more information please reach out to 2023 rep. Larry Raygo)

Raise of hands vote:


4 Cylinders: Mitch Opsahl read off the proposed changes (For more information please reach out to the 2023 rep. Mitch Opsahl)

3—AYE      3—NAYE: This rule package did NOT pass and will need to be discussed further by this division.

LM: Braison Bennett read off the proposed new wording of the rules and the few actual changes from Jason Shultz (For more information please reach out to Braison Bennett the 2023 division rep. and/or tech inspector Jason Shultz)

8—AYE      0—NAYE (or did not vote)—–RULE CHANGES PASSED

SLM: Mike Anthony mentioned that the SLM has new wording from Jason Shultz and mentioned the few changes (For more information please reach out to Mike Anthony, the 2023 division rep.)

There was some discontent about the updated ACE weight listed. The rules package has been tabled until it can be discussed further by this division.

No vote was taken, due to the various discussions that took place.

F8: Mitch Ospahl read off the proposed Figure Eight rule changes (Please see Josh Anthony the 2023 division rep. for further details)


  • Reminder that 2023 additional seats on the BOD will be decided on at the January meeting. The time period between now and January we expect 2022 divisional reps to collaborate with the 2023 divisional reps make sure the rule changes are all correct.


  • Nominations taken for Vice President: (Due to Tom Hockers becoming President)

Ed Howard nominated and accepted

Rob Thomson nominated and accepted

Andy Monday nominated and declined

Mitch Heimlich nominated and accepted

  • Raise of hands vote for an emergency December meeting in order to take nominations and possibly finalize the sizzling 4 rules and SLM rules packages.

A pluthera of  hands raised; rather than counting each hand, we asked if there were any members against a December meeting and no hands were raised.

(we will have a short meeting in December mainly for extra nominations on Monday, December 19th and accept write ins and vote in the new VP at the January meeting

  • We need a railing and stairs for the containers for the new spotters stand. Farmer suggested putting 10 inch concrete blocks under them if we wanted to lift them higher. It will be mandatory to have a spotter up there. It was suggested we sell advertising space on the side of the container we bought.
  • Meeting with W.I.R. over the next 2 months to discuss the 2023 contract.
  • Jerry Auby (Dells Raceway Park) was thinking of adding in SLM more often in 2023…
  • Banquet DATE for the 2023 season likely be being moved from October, 2023 to January 24th, 2024 at Colonial House. We would like to discuss it further over the next couple months. As of now, it is reserved for that date but can be changed, but we should keep the pay in the year of the season, not the following year. We could pay through direct deposit before the end of the year for the 1099’s to be in the correct year they were paid out in.
  • Future Meetings location: Possibly the Roundabout Bar. It would cost $75 per meeting. Raise of hands to change the meetings: Nobody raised hands. Meetings will remain at the Colonial House for now.

Motion made to adjourn by Scott Vanden Heuvel. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

President Rob Vandermoss adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm           

Next 2 meetings will be Monday, December 19th 2022 and then January 23, 2023 for elections for new BOD seats and VP.