April 2022 Meeting Notes

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DATE:       Monday, April 25, 2022                          TIME:  7 pm

PLACE:  Meeting took place at Colonial House in Freedom.

President Rob Vandermoss called the meeting to order a 7:04 pm

Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. frrc.us. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at cbsracingclintman@gmail.com

Motion to accept made by Mike Anthony. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes.

Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report. Please see Marty for specific details. Motion to accept made by Randy Schuler.  The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes


  • Employees: Trevor Vasser is the 2022 flagman and Jason Shultz and Mike Klein as the 2 Head Tech Inspectors…Katelyn Shultz and Zac Daverveld will also be part of the tech crew.
  •  Schedule/Sponsor/marketing update (Rob Vandermoss): Still have a couple openings
  • Live racing streaming idea: W.I.R. is NOT in favor of this: too much perceived loss in concessions $$. Not an option for 2023. Dan Strong cannot do DVD’s due to supply /demand for the 2022 season.
  • Read off new 3 wide wording change: Mike Anthony had consensus on this new wording. Feedback was given from members not in favor of the new wording. We can discuss further on practice day. Brian Henry said LM’s are NOT in favor of this wording of the rule and feels it should have stayed as it was with NO 3 wide racing. Suggested we only try this rule in the SLM’s. This will be tabled and we will take an advisory vote on practice day
  • Tires: Limited tires possibly all season. Right now, we are looking at R/W/B being a 3 tire race, but may have to reduce that to 2 tires IF tires become an issue. Dennis Chase suggested any travelers for R/W/B need to come the first night or a previous FRRC race. Scott VH mentioned that there are likely 6 traveling teams coming for the R/W/B. He suggested that the White Race be a 2 FRRC tire show from the shed. Scott also suggested talking to Joe N. first. Topic tabled.
  • A discussion was started on increasing nightly pay vs a higher points fund (business cushion) Rob discussed where this money is coming from.
  • LM’s Rob said we need the dyno sheets for all LM’s
  • Hauler drivers: we want you to have a pass, so you can drive right in….Trying to get the haulers off the road…



  • Initial Order of Events announced. Alternative ideas will be considered if what we start with is a struggle. Comments were fielded. Both will be posted on the website soon.
  • Team Drivers need to get their information to Clint Smith before the first Thursday Night event via Facebook or e-mail.
  • Farmer: Said W.I.R. still need parking staff. Reach out to Danny VD or Farmer Jack. There will be a 28 foot gate, so all haulers should be able to get in. Should be in place before the Tundra race. There will be an overflow up top in a different area once it is full.



  • Mike Anthony said that most traveling series’ are not be allowing to tape up grill before qualifying.
  • Marty Nussbaum has said that he has direct deposit for any drivers want to be paid quicker than waiting for a check the following week.
  • A reminder: no personal vehicles in the pits…also do NOT bring extra haulers in the inner pits and park behind the SLM and L M’s as it is really hard to get those trucks to be able to back out.
  • Todd Krause asked about raising gate price; Rob said we raised the tope gate $1 from 2022 and an extra $1 the next 2 years and cap it off at $15.
  • Todd Krause suggested to Farmer to reach out to high schools for workers.
  • Mike Anthony has the first Thursday Night parking map. Please see him if you know of any additional travelers.
  • Practice Day 10am—4pm : $50 per car; rotate divisions…mainly safety tech. Cars on the track as close to 11am as possible.
  • Henry N. asked if it is possible to consider adding a division the last night. Rob said we want the fans to get down in the pits sooner, so we are going to stick with what is on the schedule.

Motion made to adjourn by Randy Schuler. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

President Rob Vandermoss adjourned the meeting at:  8:16pm            

Next meeting will be Monday, September 26,  2022 at Colonial House.