October 2022 Meeting Notes
DATE: Monday, October 24, 2022 TIME: 7 pm
PLACE: Meeting took place at the Colonial House in Freedom
President Rob Vandermoss called the meeting to order a 7:03pm
Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. frrc.us. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at cbsracingclintman@gmail.com
Motion to accept made by Lowell Bennett. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes.
Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report. Please see Marty for specific details on numbers. Motion to accept made by Briason Bennett. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes
- Banquet Summary: Everything went well. We do have trophies left unclaimed. Please seek out Secretary Clint Smith to arrange to pick them up.
- Additional Nominations for Vice-President and Treasurer; thus far we have
Vice-President—Nominated and Accepted Nominations: Tom Hockers
Other nominations: no additional nominations or declared write ins.
Treasurer—Nominated and Accepted nomination —-Rob Thomson and Marty Nussbaum
Other nominations: no new nominations or declared write ins.
Rob Thomson and Marty Nussabaum both gave short speeches.
- Divisional Rep Updates:
- Larry Raygo gave a short update on the SS rule changes: Only 5 total changes. Also the class would like fire extinguishers to be recommended and not required. Each team would also like to recommend ideas on what they would like to see teched before the season starts and then the tech crew can implement them as they see fit each week. Larry Raygo was voted at the new rep.
- Mitch Opsahl gave a short update of 2 small changes. One was allowing 50 series tires on cars with less than 150 HP; The other was making a set weight requirement for cars with 150+ HP of 2500 instead of adding 100 # to what they already naturally weighed. The divisional rep was not been decided yet.
- Tim Baumann said the QMLM rules are already locked in from last year. They would also like to see the fire extinguishers be recommended and not required. Tim Baumann was voted as the new rep.
- LM and SLM will meet tonight after the general meeting. Reps to be decided later.
- Rob VM brought up the idea of buying a cam doctor to make the inner pits teching simplified. They cost roughly $2K to $2.5K. Raise of hand vote occurred and it was 24 aye and 0 naye
- Several things contributed to the higher points fund: Increase in fan base, extra $1 admission; Great feedback from fans; more sponsors in the pavilion to name a few. Rob VM also said he would like to work with Danny and W.I.R. on track improvements for next year.
- We would like to get a better vantage for track spotters. Likewise, we would like to consider a better vantage point for driver’s spotters. Dave V. has some suggestions on 2 x 40 feet containers to lift spotters higher. Brian Henry also suggested perhaps try to find a way to get the spotters back and forth quicker like golf carts we can borrow/rent.
- Election Results:
VP—Tom Hockers 68
- Treasurer– Marty Nussbaum 52
Rob Thomson-24
Motion made to adjourn by Braison Bennett . The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
President Rob Vandermoss adjourned the meeting at: 7:58 pm
Next meeting will be Monday, November 28, 2022 at Colonial House.