September 2022 Meeting Notes

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DATE:       Monday, September 26, 2022                                  TIME:  7 pm

PLACE:  Meeting took place at Buzz’s  in Freedom. (nobody present at Colonial House)

President Rob Vandermoss called the meeting to order a 7:12pm

Secretary’s Report: Clint Smith asked if there are any additions and/or corrections recommended to the Secretary’s Report which was posted on our website: www. If so, please e-mail Secretary Clint Smith at

Motion to accept made by Mike Anthony. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes.

Marty Nussbaum provided the Treasurer’s financial report. Please see Marty for specific details on numbers. Motion to accept made by Larry Raygo.  The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously with “aye” votes


  • Thanks for a great season (Year in Review) Fan gates had higher numbers, averaging 1600 adults, better back gate getting haulers off (thanks Farmer), Tire shed was policed very well by Emily Nechodom and her assistants.
  • Banquet details- October 22nd;  Sponsors needed. Please see one of the officers after the meeting. Rob also asked about entertainment preferences and how much is too much for a DJ. General membership voted 15 to 0 to have a DJ for $500 or less. If we do not have good participation, we will consider other options.
  • Another idea is to do the banquet and pit party on the same day, if this banquet is poorly attended, we may consider an alternative next year, like something more informal 2 weeks after the last Thursday on a Thursday night.
  • Suggested purchases in FRRC equipment for 2023 and future seasons. We need 2 new radios and a race.ceiver and double headset which will cost $850. No objections were noted.
  • Additional Nominations for Vice-President and Treasurer; thus far we have

Vice-President—Nominated and Accepted Nominations:  Tom Hockers

Other nominations: Jeff Wilz (declined his nomination) no additional nominations


Treasurer—Nominated and Accepted nomination —-Rob Thomson and Marty Nussbaum

Other nominations: no new nominations


We will still accept write-in candidates at the October meeting, but right after reading off our previous meeting minutes at that meeting, we will be voting and electing our new officers.


  • Divisions should already be planning for 2023 rule updates.  The officers may want to provide input in the first meeting held by each division. We would also like tech inspectors to attend, as well. FYI—per Lary Raygo, the Super Stock meeting is 10.13.22 6pm at Lake Park Pub.
  • Any suggestions for the officers to discuss on GENERAL non-divisional rues changes will be covered in the meetings after the general rules are decided on. Infractions will be better defined for major/minor infractions and things in-between. Feedback was given by Brent Strelka on how certain things should be looked at on a case by case basis. The officers provided feedback on this. Rob stated that the 3 LM situations were all different from each other. We as officers support tech’s interpretation and application of the rule book. Scott VH also mentioned that there were several drivers who had major infractions and the bylaws discuss their eligibility for the point fund.
  • Clint read off the interpretation and application of the rules in the tech bulletin to which the 11 and the 2E were still eligible for the points and awards. The wording of the spacer rule was unclear which led to the tech bulletin. Rob Thomson asked about other people who had major infractions. Rob mentioned we went with tech on all the decisions this year. Tom Hockers also mentioned that we as officers support tech and their decisions.
  • BOD reps for 2023 will be voted on at the divisional rules meetings, which will be set up by the 2022 reps. Judi Monday asked if we should consider what eligibility there are for BOD members and if there is any conflict of interest and/or how we decide who they will be.
  • Scott VH stated every business has to have a BOD and they have to oversee the officers. An Audit report also has to be sent in to the State by the BOD of  the club. The BOD has to have a spokesperson. We discussed having these terms by year to year and the BOD will elect their own chairperson. We will work on adding this terminology to the bylaws soon. Feedback was put in that the BOD chairperson should be a club member in the future.
  • The BOD members that are not divisional reps will be renewed in January, 2023.
  • A big thank you to Farmer for the improved back gate entrance and not blocking up traffic. Farmer said Danny also deserves a big Thank You.



  • Larry Raygo: Article 5; Section 5-If you get caught for a major infraction, it states that the driver is not eligible for awards. It was not enforced this year, so it should be changed. Rob stated that we need to tier major/medium/minor infractions better in the future.
  • Jeff Treml suggests maybe talking about it more at the divisional rules meetings and making recommendations on this. This was taken under advisement.
  • Judi Monday asked about refusal of tech vs a major infraction. The calendar year suspension is for refusing tech.
  • Todd Krause feels that rules should not be changed on race night, but only at meetings.
  • Mitch Opsahl suggested a reward and/or consequence if you do not attend or have a rep. at the drivers meeting.
  • The fireworks convention is back this year…August 5th -10th We can discuss the FRRC schedule for 2023 at a later date. Still likely a 15 week season.

Motion made to adjourn by Larry Raygo . The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

President Rob Vandermoss adjourned the meeting at: 8:33 pm            

Next meeting will be Monday, October 24, 2022 at Colonial House.